This area is for club members to post any notices they may have, it could be radios for sale, help needed or general items of interest.
Jon - G7NFK has a few items for sale:
Flex 1500 SDR transceiver - Fully boxed
£300 o.n.o​
Yaesu FT 817 portable transceiver -TX Frequency Coverage: 160 - 10 Meters, 50 MHz, 144 MHz, 430-450 MHz, RX Frequency Coverage: 100 kHz - 56 MHz; 76 - 154 MHz; 420 - 470 MHz.Fully boxed with Cat cables
Icom IC-7100 HF/VHF/UHF Transceiver - Fully boxed £700
For further information and pictures please contact Jon by email either from buxton.radio.amateurs@gmail.com or from his QRZ page.
Contact Simon G5SHO to advertise on here
Following a review from the RSGB Board there have been some changes to the amateur radio licence exam fees. From the 1st April 2023 the fees will be:
Foundation – £32.50
Intermediate – £36.00
Full – £42.00
Don't Forget
In May last year OFCOM issued new licence conditions that now require a risk assessment of EMF.
Deatils in the general links